8 am. Izzy awakens and says her foot still hurts. I call the doctor. Then we carry Izzy into the bathroom and keep her off her foot. The doctor orders X-Rays. Izzy and I go to lunch at McDonalds while we wait for the results of her xrays to be sent to our doctor. And the guy at the table overhears this conversation shortly after my phone call. " Hey Izzy, you need to stop sitting like that." " Why?" " Because you are sitting on your foot and the doctor says it is broken." " My foot is broken? Oh man." So we rush out to Cynthia's house ( Thank you for your patience that day Cynthia, while I was acting like
a crazy person and Izzy is complaining that she wanted to go home. And thank you for the tylenol because we never would have made it through the day without you.) to print off the insurance card that was snaked out of my wallet by my thieving youngest daughter. We get to our destination, take more Xrays of her feet to make sure it didn't disturb any growth plates and I hear this:
Your daughter has a seriously broken foot. I mean really broken. She has a buckle fracture on her 2nd metatarsal. A complete fracture on her 3rd metatarsal. And a unicordial break on her 4th metatarsal. That means her 2nd has bent out sideways, her 3rd has snapped in two, and her 4th is bent one way and broken on the other side
. I am amazed she could touch it to show me where it hurt let alone grabbing it.
Mama, I wanna go home.
I am sure you want to go home, says the guy giving her a cast. We see grown men crying about a break like this. We hope you like your purple cast.
We go home and end day 2 of broken Izzy. Gwiny and Emma take extra good care of her.
By the end of day 5 of broken Izzy, she has learned how to run, jump, skip, dance, and spin using her cast. But she still wants it off.
By the end of day 6 she knows it isn't coming off for a while because of the paper chain we make to show how many days until her doctors appointment. She hasn't asked about it again.
But now she hates bath time because she can't play in the bath and we have to work as a team to keep her foot out of the water.
She came home with 10 cards from her preschool class. 6 were from Ava and have the greatest pre-school depiction of broken Izzy. I love this picture so much.

Because it has just taken me this long to get this blog post up. Izzy is now out of her cast. I really need to get better at this being on time with my blogs.
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