- We attended the Linker's 2nd Annual Christmas Party and, as always, had a blast. I did almost get a smack from Cynthia when I tried to smell her. Kara stole my gift in the gift game, even though I am pretty sure last year she said she doesn't usually do that. Either that gift was really good or she isn't afraid of me like everyone else is. ha ha!
- We woke up Christmas morning in our own home this year. That was priceless.
- I had to sleep on the couch Christmas Eve/Christmas morning because the girls woke up about 15 minutes after Santa came and I had to keep them out of their stockings all night.
- We spent 6 days between my parents and In-laws and had a blast!
- Mom and Dad watched the girls New Years Eve. I drank a pink cosmo with cotton candy in it and celebrated New Years at 12:00 est. even though we were on central, so we got back before the throngs of drunkards hit the streets.
- I saw a girl at TGIFridays who thought she saw Justin Bieber. She had serious Bieber fever, screaming, jumping up and down, ect. Until her brother pointed out that it was just an old guy at the bar.
- We had to tell Cory goodbye again and the girls only cried once.
- And our Big News ...... Gwiny learned how to ride a bike with no training wheels!!
So here's to you 2012: In hopes that you treat us just as well, if not better, than 2011!
And as a side note, I looked up the stats on who is looking at my blog and I have had 4 people that ended up here because they searched " She got a spanking." or something spanking related. They are mostly from Russia. So I could call myself an international blogging sensation. But they probably all ran away when they realized it wasn't sexy spankings. Oh no, see what just happened there? I wonder how many hits I will get from that phrase? Well, thats that then.
What can I say...that was a pretty awesome candle...