Last Friday one of our favorite families had a special occasion. It was Josh's Birthday and I got a special Linker present. Ava and Izzy! It was one of those weeks where everything seemed to be coming at me so fast I couldn't keep up. (Not that those weeks are abnormal, it just so happened this was one of them). The house was somewhat clean, the dishes were washed, the laundry was overflowing out of the laundry room, the baby had a morning round of 15 month shots, and we anxiously awaited our friends. " How long until they get here?" " 2 hours" " How long now?" " An hour and 45 minutes." And so it went on 15 minute increments until AT LAST! THEY ARE HERE!!
First, we made pizza from scratch. By from scratch I mean I cooked frozen sausage, pulled out a store bought crust, a jar of spagetti sauce, and shredded 3 different kinds of cheeses. I like to shred my own cheese because block cheese is cheaper and has more variety, also Cabot carries 3 types of cheddar cheese that are lactose free, so my Izzy can eat it without consequence.
I laid out 5 napkins each with the 3 types of cheese and some sausage. Everyone tried the cheeses and then decided which ones they would use on their slices. In a style unlike anything I have ever seen, each child took turns decorating their two slices, and no one fought or complained about who got to go first, next, or last. Seeing as Israel doesn't eat pizza, he had no problem going last.
The pizza cooked, they played, the pizza cooled, they played, the pizza was done, they ate.
We set up a big floor full of blankets, pillows and more blankets on the living room floor. There were 7 blankets, 5 pillows, and 5 zoobles. We read stories and then we watched Despicable Me. Which everyone loved. Although I think RJ and I laughed harder than any of the kids, and we have seen it 5 times!
We had one little disagreement, when Gwin said Ava hurt her feelings because she didn't want to lay next to her. But Ava quickly said she was sorry when we pointed it out, she still wouldn't let Gwin lay next to her, but she said she was sorry, and then once the popcorn was brought out Ava didn't care who sat next to her, so it was easily smoothed over.
And right as the credits were about to end the Linker Mama came and collected her little ones. As I said, the best someone else's date night ever.