I finally decided, that if I am a remotely good mother, I needed to take Emma to the doctor today. She has been eating poorly, falling down a lot, and been extremely fussy and whiney for about 2 months. The signs of an ear infection. For the last 2 months I have been thinking, it might be teeth, so lets just wait. And then all of her teeth came in and I had no excuses left. So off we went to the doctor. They ask how long she has been acting like this, and I feel a little nervous to tell them, I mean, what kind of mother allows their kids to act sick for 2 months and not take them to the doctor. Guess what. She got a clean bill of health. Why does she keep falling down, congestion you say? And what that also explains her bloody nose? That coupled with the genes given to her by her mother that has broken her toes 4 times by kicking things and tripping. MY DAUGHTER falling down for no good reason? Yep, makes sense.
And just because we are on the topic of Emma. She has learned a new word, "pony." For those of you who know and love her rendition of "puppy." ( for those of you who don't it sounds like someone hyperventilating but instead of heavy breaths it is the word puppy repeated over and over and over.) She now has issued a sequel. "pony" it sounds exactly like she is saying "pooey" repeatedly. So hopefully this one stays in the confines of our house.
And just for fun here is Emma's quote of the week. Keep in mind she is only 17 months old.
" I wanna doughnut"