Wowie, that week was not fun. It included a lot of whining, crying, and complaining. When I stopped, I turned around to hear more from every one else doing the same thing. We stuck pretty well to my meal plan. Well if you don't include orange chicken night that quickly became trip to McDonalds night.
Here is a picture of our first nights dinner. Au Gratin Potatoes with Ham steaks. Looks pretty good huh? It was quite delicious indeed.
Lets see, the absolute most challenging thing was keeping control of my kids drinking portions. In fact, it did not happen. I had to make a Walmart run for milk. I just can't stop myself from saying yes to milk.
This weeks meal winner: Tacos. I made these with soft taco shells, refried beans, $1 ribeye steaks, cheese. Topped with Taco Bell sauce that is in our 'bag of sauces from fast food joints'. For Izzy who doesn't eat tacos, a bowl of refried beans with red sauce that I found in our 'box of random seasonings that say weird things' it was labeled just 'sauce' so good find. And a bit of cheese to make it exactly like the taco bell pintos and cheese.

This weeks meal loser: Orange Chicken. As I opened the box that claimed to have "dark meat chicken and orange sauce" I found this to the right. Zero chicken 100% breading. And this was in all 3 boxes of Orange Chicken I had purchased.
Most likely to repeat: Mini Pizzas. Apparently they sell individual size pizza crusts in a set of 2 for $1, add pasta sauce, cheese, and peperonni ( also purchased at dollar store) and we made our own pizzas to celebrate the last day of school!
While the meals all turned out fine, none particularly delicious, and certainly none particularly nutritious, we are at the core a family of snackers. I call us hobbits more than once a week. Because snacks are necessary to maintain a sense of calm in our house it is crucial that we have a good deal of snack food. Hence, the $25 for dinners and the rest for snacky foods from last week. Gwin seems to have some sort of sugar issue. I like to compare her to Paul Blart Mall Cop. If she doesn't eat every 2 to 3 hours she has a melt down of epic proportions. In case you ever happen to be going through my purse, this explains the amount of candy and snacks you will find in there. I don't recommend going through my purse though, today I found a dragon in there. True Story. Its a beanie baby dragon, you would think that would be something I would notice, but thats how big and messy my bag is.

In unrelated news. Izzy graduated from Pre-School last week and Gwin completed 2nd grade. My babies are getting to be such big girls. Izzy's school had a great ceremony and I can't be more thankful for the Linkers for not only recommending the school, but saving me so much time and money in transportation this past year. Gwiny got on the A/B honor roll for the year! I am so proud of my little big girl. Its unbelievable for me to think that in a few short months she will be entering 3rd grade as a 7 year old.
Emma claims she graduated from mommy's school. But in reality, she just watched Mars Needs Moms every Tuesday and Thursday and helped me with the dishes and laundry. Also, she gets the Jason Mraz stamp of approval for not only helping us grow our veggies in the backyard, but for this awesome hat she was seen rockin' today.