I have so many ideas of things that I want to share with everyone. Like my trip to Vegas where we watched an Ed Sheeran concert from the 10th row, went to Gordon Ramsey's BURGER, ate free hotdogs at our awesome hotel located in center strip, went on a giant ferris wheel of drinking, posed with some wax figures, stayed in a luxury suite on the top floor of the Luxor, won enough money to cover all of our gambling, meals, and parking at the airport, drank a lot (but not to excess), spent $65 on socks, and spent our layovers on the way home in the exclusive Admirals Club. I want to share these experiences because for 4 glorious days we were free to do grown up things in the the city known for being a playground for Grownups. But that is not my life. That was my magical vacation.
So just a quick side note before I get to the point. I now have a ten year old. TEN years old. And she has an attitude. A nasty one. But I'm not entirely sure if that comes from the age, the grade (5th grade, what!), or the fact that she pretty much runs our neighborhood gang of kids with an iron fist (or a sweet little Gwiny face that convince the kids to do her bidding). But happy birthday to my sweet little face (9 days late) and remember if you won't be a good girl, "I will destroy you."
Okay, I started this blog with my sweet sweet vacation and I would like to give a contrast that describes a day in the life of my family.
6:00 alarm goes off and I reset it for an hour later.
7:00 alarm goes off and I reset it for 10 minutes later.
7:10 alarm goes off and I drag myself reluctantly out of bed, finding that surprisingly my husband and I are the only ones in there. Weird.
7:15 all the girls are out of bed, but no one can find clothes.
7:25 my husband needs some tylenol so I try to find that in addition to the clothes but can only find tylenol PM.
7:35 I have helped the girls all find clothes but they don't like them, and I find one lone advil. I yell at all of them and go make lunches.
7:45 The girls are all dressed, but Gwiny can only find one size 2 shoe and one size 4 shoe and Izzy is missing with the other two shoes. We have to leave for the bus in 5 minutes.
By 7:52 I have found Izzy, the girls have traded 1 shoe so they are all in shoes, they have on coats and gloves and I realize that I haven't given them breakfast so I pour some crackers in their hands and make them eat them on the way to the bus stop.
While the rest of the day wasn't nearly as exciting as the morning, I followed quickly by making myself coffee (this could be why I snapped earlier, I hadn't had any coffee), theraflu for the husband, and milk for the Emma. I made grilled cheese for lunch, mailed some of my etsy store orders, picked up the pre-ordered Disney Infinity 2.0, folded clothes, watched Captain America with Emma (she decided the movie was interactive and we had to use our finger guns to shoot the bad guys every time they came on the screen), got the girls from the bus stop, took Isabel for a checkup at the doctor, made bacon for dinner, folded more clothes, forced my children to bathe, made the kids lunches and set out their clothes for tomorrow so I don't make that mistake again, and now I am writing this blog. After I put the girls to bed, I will attempt to do some dishes and read the bible. Yes I am reading the bible. For the first time ever, from cover to cover. And taking notes. I'm only on Exodus and I started it last week, so I am going at a rate that would make my grad professors cringe. But I thought that was noteworthy.
Anyway, my vacation was wonderful and magical and child free. My life with my family is also wonderful and magical and full of children. Parenting is hard and I am almost always sure that whatever I am doing is probably the wrong thing. I beat myself up daily for not having a tidier home, or making my daughters eat healthier, or letting them watch to much/the wrong kinds of things on TV. But I think that that is the curse of a mother or maybe its just Genesis getting to me.