First of all, I must appologize for any spelling errors that you may find in this blog entry. I am terrible at spelling and my wonderful Macbook spell checks for me as I go. Tonight, I am using my husbands work PC while he is playing a video game on my perfect little Mac. It's not worth the fight.
My weekend started with a desperate trip to the mall. Desperate in the fact that I had to get out of my house. My daughters had been sick all week and woke up Saturday morning feeling better. So I siezed my opportunity and yanked everyone out of the house. So with my husband, a walking daughter, and two daughters strapped into a double stroller that I roughly equate to a mini-bus, we walked into a crowded mall. We split up almost immediately, RJ and Gwin to the game store, and the mini-bus and I to Bath and Body Works. Upon entering, I had a wonderful employee come up to me and say " Would you like a hand massage with one of our new fragrances? As a young mother I am sure you need one." I responded with a big "Yes, thank you." But my thank you was more a " Thank you for calling me a young mother!" Not long after I realized it wasn't as big of a complement as I thought it was. I am a young mother.
We got home, I baked some bread, we took the girls outside to play, I put on makeup, and I went to one of my best friend's baby shower. In true Tiffany style, I arrived 5 minutes before the guest of honor was to arrive and flipped out over how late I was. I then ran up three flights of stairs to find out that I was in the wrong entryway, I ran down 3 flights of stairs, over to the next entry way and then back up 3 flights of stairs carrying a gift and a corningware bowl full of bread. I then felt bad about how out of shape I was cause I was huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf trying to blow the brick house down.
Lucky for me, we had a wonderful time. Kara was showered with lots of super cute cloth diapers and we played a ton of fun games. I was blown away during the game where we named all the baby animals we could think of. I never even contemplated the fact that there are eel babies, let alone that there is a special name for them. The things you learn at baby showers, who knew.
Today, Sunday, I woke up to clean up my bread mess, proof read an essay, talk on the phone with another one of my best friends, take my kids out to play with some other kids, went to Sams club to buy turkey, and then it started. I took the girls out to play again. Emma had a poopy diaper, Izzy knocked my soda over, Gwiny sat on the bench. I told them if they wern't going to play we were going home. They both sat down. Izzy told me her leg hurt then ran all the way home. Once home Gwiny told me she was going to make me dinner tonight because I always make her dinner. It was the sweetest thing. But then she asked me to open the hot dogs, she put them on a plate, then asked me to put the hot dogs in the microwave, then remove them. It was the thought that counts. After dinner Gwiny cried for an hour and a half because she doesn't want to go to school tomorrow. Izzy cried cause she couldn't get her panties on (she stuck both legs in one hole). And Emma cried because I wouldn't hold her when I was getting her sisters out of the bath tub. Currently Gwin is crying because I told her I won't pull her tooth out yet. Oh, to be the mother of three daughters.
Today, Sunday, I woke up to clean up my bread mess, proof read an essay, talk on the phone with another one of my best friends, take my kids out to play with some other kids, went to Sams club to buy turkey, and then it started. I took the girls out to play again. Emma had a poopy diaper, Izzy knocked my soda over, Gwiny sat on the bench. I told them if they wern't going to play we were going home. They both sat down. Izzy told me her leg hurt then ran all the way home. Once home Gwiny told me she was going to make me dinner tonight because I always make her dinner. It was the sweetest thing. But then she asked me to open the hot dogs, she put them on a plate, then asked me to put the hot dogs in the microwave, then remove them. It was the thought that counts. After dinner Gwiny cried for an hour and a half because she doesn't want to go to school tomorrow. Izzy cried cause she couldn't get her panties on (she stuck both legs in one hole). And Emma cried because I wouldn't hold her when I was getting her sisters out of the bath tub. Currently Gwin is crying because I told her I won't pull her tooth out yet. Oh, to be the mother of three daughters.