Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How waitressing prepared me for motherhood.

 As I was driving home from Gwin's doctors appointment yesterday, I was thinking about just how many things I try to accomplish at one time.  And being the overcritical of myself mother that I am, thinking that maybe I just needed to do one thing at a time.  Maybe that would enable me to spend more time listening to my children instead of listening to a few words, deciding its not important and then pretending to listen to the rest of the story about what so-in-so did at school yesterday, while do the dishes and cook dinner and think about what is still left on my plate for the rest of the day (get what I did there, you know you did, but kinda wished you didn't 'cause it was that lame).  Well that flashed me back to a time when I didn't know how to multi task.  It was tough.
    Instead of doing a story, here are some things I learned from waitressing that I use in my every day life as a mother.

-  How to fill up endless cups of milk.  Sure it used to be soda and beer, but still, I am always filling up cups.

-  "  This doesn't taste good, I don't want to eat this"  I am pretty sure I have heard this statement from both my children and customers.

- The fine art of popping a cold meal in the microwave.  Yes people, thats what I did when you complained about your food being cold.

- How to make someone feel comfortable.

- How to make a good desert.

- How to tell someone no without making them feel like they have just been told no.  "  That is not currently an option."  or " We no longer have that on the menu"

-  How to stand really really close to someone without feeling uncomfortable.

-  How to sneak off to the bathroom without anyone noticing.

-  And most importantly, how to work on only tips and smiles. 

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