Friday, June 10, 2011

If you could have any Mutant power what would you want?

In memory of the amazing date night RJ and I had last weekend, where we went to see X-Men First Class. Which was super great by the way. I let the girls watch the first X-Men movie the other day. They LOVED it! You know we are nerds, as evident by my last post.
Izzy was an especially huge fan of X-Men. We used to play super-powers where we would get into a huge family battle. Gwiny has always had force field power. Izzy, Purple cats that scratch you. Me, Ice. Papa, fire. So yesterday I posed the question: If you could have any mutant power what would you want?

Gwiny: Force field.

Izzy: A packet full of unicorns.

Me: A packet full of unicorns is not a superpower.

Then curiosity got the best of me.

What would you do with them? Are they shrink wrapped and come out of your packet super-sized? How do unicorns help you save the planet?

Izzy: They come out baby unicorn size and they poke people with their horns.

Of course. A unicorn packet. Now, who do I see about getting these made as a form of anti-rape protection? Cause the way I see it, lets fight rape with unicorn horn pokes.

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