Friday, June 10, 2011

If you could have any Mutant power what would you want?

In memory of the amazing date night RJ and I had last weekend, where we went to see X-Men First Class. Which was super great by the way. I let the girls watch the first X-Men movie the other day. They LOVED it! You know we are nerds, as evident by my last post.
Izzy was an especially huge fan of X-Men. We used to play super-powers where we would get into a huge family battle. Gwiny has always had force field power. Izzy, Purple cats that scratch you. Me, Ice. Papa, fire. So yesterday I posed the question: If you could have any mutant power what would you want?

Gwiny: Force field.

Izzy: A packet full of unicorns.

Me: A packet full of unicorns is not a superpower.

Then curiosity got the best of me.

What would you do with them? Are they shrink wrapped and come out of your packet super-sized? How do unicorns help you save the planet?

Izzy: They come out baby unicorn size and they poke people with their horns.

Of course. A unicorn packet. Now, who do I see about getting these made as a form of anti-rape protection? Cause the way I see it, lets fight rape with unicorn horn pokes.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Geek Central A.K.A. My laundry room

Two days ago I made the girls clean their room, the result, 3 loads of laundry. Add that to the 3 or 4 loads of clean laundry to the floor of my tiny little laundry room and I was in trouble. I spent over 4 hours folding laundry!

As part of my "you're growing up and you have to start pitching in around here" initiative. I require the older girls to put their own clothes in their dressers after I fold them. Sure enough, they dropped or pushed their clothes into their drawers so far they are no longer folded. New INITIATIVE.

I am not just seperating the girls clothes, sticking them in one of those 3 drawer plastic containers, and making them take their clothes into their bedroom every night. We will see how it goes. I think it is going to revolutionize my laundry folding.

But the whole point of this blog is to talk about the type of clothes I folded. There was a good amount of regular clothes but here is what I found:

* Note: I let all of my girls pick out their own clothes when we go clothes shopping

Gwin's shirts - "Why ask for Prince Charming when you could have Edward?"
Another Vampire shirt, I don't remember what it said.
A Hannah Montana shirt

Izzy's shirts- A pink skull and crossbones with a tiara.
Pink and Black tights with a black dress.
A gray shirt with a big pocket in the front that looks like a purse.

Emma's shirts - About 4 shirts with monkeys on it.

My shirts - A hufflepuff house shirt
A Forks High School shirt
A shirt that says " I love diet coke"

Papa's shirts- Like 4 Star Wars Shirts
A shirt from Professor Leighton and the Unwound Future

For some reason, this shocked me. I have seen us all wearing them multiple times, in addition to all the other ones that were not currently located in the laundry room. But it was a real, wow, we are a nerdy family. Until I look at Izzy's clothes again. What?! How is my 4 year old cooler than the rest of us?

Cue Sesame Street Song: One of these things just doesn't belong here, One of these things just isn't the same.